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“Respect existence or expect resistance”


Here's the story:

Years ago, I fell deeply in love with the exquisite details and refinement of the Persian miniatures displayed in an exhibition at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. I go back to these warriors, the stately portraits… the dramatic hunting scenes set in otherworldly beauty… the jewelled eagles poised with tiny tufty bird hats on the golden-gloved finger of a Sheikh busy locking our stare with all his infinite wisdom and poise. The florals, the gold, the manuscript, all so unbelievably lavish… BUT WHERE ARE THE WOMEN? Where the HELL are the WOMEN?!!! I got to work on one of my biggest paintings yet, the fruit of three years’ work. Here the oppressor is the Patriarchy, the hunted becomes the huntress… I made a personal amendment to the savage bravery of women fighting for fundamental rights across the globe, so badly missing on those gallery walls..I’m sorry this painting was so slow to show my solidarity with the brave women of Iran fighting in your name Mahsa. Rest in power 🖤.

Available in two sizes :

Classic : 36 x 76 cm

Large :  58 x 120 cm



  • This high-quality giclée print is edited on the finest Hahnemuhle German Etching paper for an exquisite fine art finish. 

    Frame not included.
    All work and images © Gail Gosschalk Illustration
    All rights reserved under copyright, including reproduction rights. 

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